
Gre Verbal Practice Questions Pdf

  1. The verbal reasoning section of the GRE contains questions of three types: A good vocabulary is essential for the Text Completion and Sentence Equivalence questions which account for approximately 50% of the questions in this section. We recommend that you learn our word lists before starting the minitests.
  2. Official GRE® Quantitative Reasoning Practice Questions, Volume 1 The book you are holding offers 150 real GRE practice questions directly from the maker of the GRE® revised General Test. This book is specially created to give you in-depth practice and accurate test preparation for the Quantitative Reasoning measure.
  3. Quantitative Reasoning questions in the test book itself. Also, you are allowed to use a basic hand-held calculator on the Quantitative Reasoning sections. The calculator will be provided to you at the test site; you may not use your own calculator. Information about using the calculator to help you answer questions appears on page 31.
  4. GRE Practice Test 1 Quant.doc Page 6 of 41. Lettered options is formatted as bold and enclosed in parentheses. Each option consists of a word or phrase. For questions containing. Blanks, following the list of answer choices are up to. Readings of the text, one for each answer choice combination. The group of readings begins with a.

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The Verbal Reasoning Measure of the Paper-delivered GRE revised General Test. Structure of the Verbal Reasoning Measure. Measure Number of Questions Allotted Time. Verbal Reasoning 25 questions per section 35 minutes per section (Two sections) The Verbal Reasoning sections may. Aug 24, 2012  Revised GRE PDF 1st Ed. Below are video explanations to all 100 math and verbal questions in the first edition of the practice book (pdf) for the paper-based GRE Revised General Test.

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Jul 18, 2019  GRE Practice Test Benefits. Test-Guide.com’s sample GRE practice questions are an excellent way to study for your upcoming GRE test, and best of all, our sample GRE tests require no registration or payment! The questions are categorized based on the actual GRE test outline and are immediately scored at the end of the quiz.


What is a GRE test for?

The GRE test is used for those who want to enter into graduate school. The GRE is an admissions exam that is used by many graduate schools.

What does the GRE test consist of?

The GRE exam consists of three sections: Analytical Writing, Verbal Reasoning, and Quantitative Reasoning. The Analytical Writing section is an essay section that measures how well you can articulate your thoughts and responses to complex ideas. The Verbal Reasoning section consists of two sections that both contain 20 questions each. The Quantitative Reasoning section also contains two separate sections with 20 questions each and you are given 35 minutes to complete each section.

Is the GRE test difficult?

As with any exam, the difficulty of the exam greatly depends on you, how well you have prepared for the exam as well as which areas of the exam you are strongest in. One section of the GRE exam may be difficult for you while another may not be as difficult.

What is considered a good score on the GRE?

The Verbal Reasoning and Quantitative Reasoning sections of the GRE are scored on a scale from 130 to 170 with the average scores being 151 and 153. The Analytical Writing section is scored on half-point increments from 0 to 6 with the average score being 4.0. However, a good score on the GRE determines which graduate school or business school you want to attend.

What is a perfect score on a GRE?

There are two sections on the GRE that are scored on a scale of 130 to 170; the Verbal Reasoning and Quantitative Reasoning sections. The highest score that you can make on these two sections is 170. The Analytical Writing section is scored from 0 to 6, which makes 6 the highest score possible.

How much does it cost to take the GRE?

To register to take the GRE exam, you are required to pay a fee of $205.

How many times can you take the GRE?

If you fail the GRE the first time, or decide to retake the exam to improve your chances of getting a higher score, you can take the GRE every 21 days and you can do that up to five times during any continuous 365 day period.

Can you fail a GRE test?

You cannot “pass” or “fail” the GRE exam. It is your decision if you want to send the score that you have received to the schools of your choice. Each school has a different cutoff regarding “passing” or “failing”.

What is the GRE score required for Harvard University?

The required score for the GRE to attend Harvard University varies depending on which program you want to enter. For example, you would need to have a higher Quantitative Reasoning score for a computer science program than what you would need for a design program.

How long does it take to prepare for the GRE?

The time it takes to prepare for the GRE is a personal preference. Most people spend one to three months studying for just a few hours a week while others might study 10 or more hours each week.

Who has to take GRE?

Anyone who is planning to attend graduate or business school is usually required to take the GRE exam.

How long is a gre good for?

Your GRE scores are valid and kept on file for five years following the date that you took your test.

Can you use a calculator on the GRE?

You can use a calculator on the quantitative questions of GRE exam. However, you cannot bring your own. There will be an on-screen calculator that will be provided.

How do I get a GRE fee waiver?

To apply for a fee waiver for the GRE, you must first contact the financial aid office of your school to see if you qualify to receive the waiver. If the office finds that you qualify for the fee waiver, the financial aid office will issue you a Fee Reduction Certificate and a copy of your ISIR. You must follow the instructions located on the certificate in order to receive it.

Is the GRE easier than the GMAT?

The level of difficulty between the GRE and GMAT exams depends on the student. There are significant differences between the two exams which may make one harder than the other.

Is it best to answer all questions on the GRE?

You are not penalized for having an incorrect answer on the GRE exam. Incorrect answers count the same as an answer being left blank, so it is always better to guess the answer rather than skipping.

Is the GRE timed?

The GRE test is timed and takes about 3 hours and 45 minutes to complete the exam. The Analytical Writing section and the Verbal Reasoning sections each consist of two sections that are each timed for 30 minutes. The Quantitative Reasoning section also contains two sections but each section is timed for 35 minutes.

Official Gre Verbal Practice Questions Pdf

What business schools accept the GRE?

There are many business schools that accept the GRE. A few of these schools include Harvard Business School, Duke University, and Yale School of Management. If you’re interested in attending a specific school, it would be best for you to contact the school to see if they accept the GRE exam.

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Practice For the GRE the Best Way

If your goal is to continue your education at the graduate level, you will most likely need to take the GRE. An impressive score on the GRE will have a great impact on your future; therefore, you will want to be adequately prepared. What is the most effective way to prepare? Using a variety of study materials and verifying your readiness for the test by taking GRE practice tests is a good approach. The links above provide access to free resources from Mometrix Academy to assist you in this endeavor. The practice test study guides cover all the subjects included on the GRE: Analytical Writing, Quantitative Reasoning (math), and Verbal Reasoning. A free GRE practice test for Quantitative Reasoning and Verbal Reasoning is also available. You can take the GRE practice tests to assess your knowledge and skills and to gauge how prepared you are for the actual GRE test. The GRE example questions will also expose any areas of weakness that need further study. You may want to consider taking a GRE practice exam for the first time and designate next to each question which of the following statements is true.

  • I confidently knew the correct answer
  • I chose the correct answer but was unsure of my choice
  • I had no idea which option was the correct answer

Approaching the practice test in this way will help you determine your areas of strength and weakness. Once you are aware of these strengths and weaknesses, you can wisely concentrate on the areas that need the most work. The questions that you answered correctly won’t require a lot of study; however, you may want to review this material to confirm that you thoroughly understanding why that is the correct answer. The questions that you answered correctly but weren’t sure about need more time and study. Again, you will want to verify that you thoroughly understand the topic of the question. Most of your study time will need to be focused on the questions that you missed and had no idea of which answer was correct. Don’t stress out over these questions! Mometrix has all you need to prepare and score well on the GRE.

GRE Practice Methods

You may want to use the following approach to prepare for the GRE:

  • Using your study materials, take a practice test asking yourself the questions outlined above. Don’t be concerned about how long it takes you this first time.
  • Utilize the Mometrix Academy GRE study materials to gain a better understanding of the concepts you struggled with. The free instructional videos explain all the critical concepts you need to grasp in order to score well on the GRE.
  • Evaluate your new understanding of the material by taking another practice test and using your resources as little as possible.
  • If necessary, review the instructional videos again. Take all other practice tests in a timely manner without any resources, just like it is the real GRE test.
  • Adequate preparation requires repetition and practice. If additional instruction or practice is needed, consider purchasing the Mometrix GRE Flashcards and the Mometrix GRE Study Guide which includes additional instruction, practice tests, and important test taking tips. All Mometrix study materials include a risk-free, 1-year 100% money-back guarantee.

Know what to expect on the GRE Verbal Section and take the test with confidence.
Our GRE verbal practice questions come with explanations so you can see how to crack them! We pulled these practice questions from our book Cracking the GRE and from our GRE prep course materials.

GRE Text Completion Practice

Text Completion questions include a passage composed of one to five sentences with one to three blanks. There are three answer choices per blank, or five answer choices if there is a single blank. There is a single correct answer, consisting of one choice for each blank. You receive no credit for partially correct answers.

1. Upon visiting the Middle East in 1850, Gustave Flaubert was so belly dancing that he wrote, in a letter to his mother, that the dancers alone made his trip worthwhile.

(A) overwhelmed by
(B) enamored by
(C) taken aback by
(D) beseeched by
(E) flustered by

Answer: (B) enamored by
Choose carefully here. The clue is 'the dancers alone made his trip worthwhile.' Thus, Flaubert was impressed by them. Enamored by is the only choice that captures such a feeling. Overwhelmed by is extreme, and implies that Flaubert got more than he could handle. Taken aback by, in contrast, merely suggests that our traveler was surprised by the dancers; we cannot be sure that his surprise was pleasant. Meanwhile, beseeched by does not indicate how Flaubert felt, whereas if he were flustered by the performers, he would not likely have found his encounter with them worthwhile.

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2. Increasingly, the boundaries of congressional seats are drawn in order to protect incumbents, as legislators engineer the demographics of each district such that those already in office can coast to (i) victory. Of course, there is always the possibility that the incumbent will face a challenge from within his or her own party. Nevertheless, once the primary is over, the general election is (ii) .

Blank (i)Blank (ii)
(A) an ineluctable(B) seldom nugatory
(C) an invidious(D) remarkably contentious
(E) a plangent(F) merely denouement

Answer: (A) an ineluctable and (F) merely denouement
If district boundaries are designed to protect incumbents —that is, those already in office—then victory for those incumbents should be close to assured or inevitable. Ineluctable is synonymous with these words. Invidious means 'causing envy' and plangent means 'full of lamentation,' neither of which is as well supported as the credited response. The second blank comes after a couple of transition words. The first is Of course, which might sound like the passage is continuing in the same direction, but here indicates a change of direction: The author is conceding that sometimes incumbents face challenges. The second, Nevertheless, also changes direction, meaning that the passage has returned to where it started, arguing that elections are essentially decided before they begin. That is what merely denouement means. Seldom nugatory means rarely inconsequential, which is the opposite of what the passage calls for; remarkably contentious is wrong for the same reason, as that phrase would indicate that the general election is fiercely contested.

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GRE Sentence Equivalence Practice

Sentence Equivalence questions consist of one sentence with six answer choices. Your job is to choose the two answer choices that logically complete the sentence.

3. Possessed of an insatiable sweet tooth, Jim enjoyed all kinds of candy, but he had a special for gumdrops, his absolute favorite.

(A) container
(B) affinity
(C) odium
(D) nature
(E) disregard

Ets Official Gre Verbal Reasoning Practice Questions Pdf Free Download

(F) predilection

Answer: (B) affinity and (F) predilection
The word in the blank is used to describe Jim's feelings for gumdrops. The clues 'enjoyed all kinds of candy' and 'his absolute favorite' dictates that the blank means liking. Both affinity and predilection mean liking. Odium and disregard go in the wrong direction. Container might sound right, but it is not related to the clue. Nature does not mean liking.

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4. The twins' heredity and upbringing were identical in nearly every respect, yet one child remained unfailingly sanguine even in times of stress while her sister was prone to angry outbursts that indicated an exceptionally choleric .

(A) genotype
(B) environment
(C) physiognomy
(D) incarnation
(E) incarnation
(E) temperament
(F) humor

Answer: (E) temperament and (F) humor
The main clues are that one twin is described as sanguine, the other choleric; even if you don't know these words, the phrases 'even in times of stress' and 'angry outbursts' suggest that words are used to describe personality. Temperament is a good synonym for personality. While it is frequently used to mean comedy, humor can also mean personality, especially in conjunction with the words such as sanguine and choleric, which derive from the ancient belief that temperament was shaped by the levels of different fluids or humors, in a person's body. The remaining choices don't fit. Environment means one's surroundings while the other three words are concerned with the physical rather than the mental.

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GRE Reading Comprehension Practice

Questions 5-6 are based on the following reading passage.

Called by some the “island that time forgot,” Madagascar is home to a vast array of unique, exotic creatures. One such animal is the aye-aye. First described by western science in 1782, it was initially categorized as a member of the order Rodentia. Further research then revealed that it was more closely related to the lemur, a member of the primate order. Since the aye-aye is so different from its fellow primates, however, it was given its own family: Daubentoniidae. The aye-aye has been listed as an endangered species and, as a result, the government of Madagascar has designated an island off the northeastern coast of Madagascar as a protected reserve for aye-ayes and other wildlife.

Long before Western science became enthralled with this nocturnal denizen of Madagascar’s jungles, the aye-aye had its own reputation with the local people. The aye-aye is perhaps best known for its large, round eyes and long, extremely thin middle finger. These adaptations are quite sensible, allowing the aye-aye to see well at night and retrieve grubs, which are one of its primary food sources, from deep within hollow branches. However, the aye-aye’s striking appearance may end up causing its extinction. The people of Madagascar believe that the aye-aye is a type of spirit animal, and that its appearance is an omen of death. Whenever one is sighted, it is immediately killed. When combined with the loss of large swaths of jungle habitat, this practice may result in the loss of a superb example of life’s variety.

5. Based on the information given in the passage, the intended audience would most likely be

(A) visitors to a natural science museum
(B) professors of evolutionary science
(C) a third-grade science class
(D) students of comparative religions
(E) attendees at a world cultural symposium

Answer: (A)
The passage contains a mixture of information about the aye-aye, both from a scientific and cultural background. it gives an overview of the animal without giving a lot of detail in any one area. Choice (B) is incorrect because the passage mentions evolution only briefly, at the end. This choice is too narrow. Choice (C) is incorrect because the style of the passage is too advanced for young students. Choice (D) is incorrect because the passage mentions religion only as it relates to the fate of the aye-aye. Choice (E) is incorrect because the information given is focuses more on the aye-aye itself than on the culture of Madagascar.

6. Consider each of the choices separately and select all that apply.
Which of the following statements can be logically inferred from the passage?

(A) Taxonomic classifications are not always absolute.
(B) The traditional religion of Madagascar involves augury.
(C) There are no longer enough resources on the main island to support the aye-aye population.

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Answer: (A) and (B)
Choices (A) and (B) can both be inferred from the passage. Choice (A) is supported by the first paragraph. The classification of the aye-aye changes, which demonstrates that such classifications are not absolute. Choice (B) is supported by the part of the passage dealing with the future of the aye-aye. It states that aye-aye is seen as an omen of death in the traditional religion of the Madagascar. Augury refers to the use of omens, so this statement must be true. Choice (C), however, is not supported. Although the passage states that the aye-aye is in danger, it does not directly discuss whether this is due to limited resources on the main island.

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