
Voice Crack Singing

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  2. Voice Crack Singing Meme

Dec 19, 2016  In adults, however, voice cracking is most often the result of vocal cord strain, either from constant yelling or from illness. Voice cracking is common during puberty, as the vocal folds grow and thicken very quickly. Photo Courtesy of Pixabay In addition, stressful situations can also cause voices to crack.

  • Apr 20, 2016  Best Voice Cracks Ever Compilation. These are the best voice cracks from across the web! Please help support this channel by checking out my Merch shop at I don't get.
  • A similar effect is a voice crack, during which a person's voice suddenly and unintentionally enters a higher register (usually falsetto) for a brief period of time. This may be caused by singing or talking at a pitch outside the person's natural vocal range, stress, emotional tension, or the physical changes associated with puberty. An instance of a voice crack (when associated with puberty) lasts for only a.

Vocal Warm-Ups

Vocal warm-ups are necessary before singing so that your vocal cords are nice and flexible. Always do warm-ups, especially in the morning, so that you can sing to your full potential – never go all out right away or else you will strain your voice. We’ve all heard or seen people who do the “me-me-me-me’s” or “do-re-mi’s” when warming up before a performance. Those are one type of vocal warm-ups, chromatic scales, which is basically going up a scale then down the scale (going up higher and then going lower). Vocal warm-ups can be almost anything you want, depending on the types of songs you’re going to sing.

My Own Warm-Ups

I have a couple of vocal warm-ups that I do that help me much more than chromatic scales. One warm-up is singing along to songs I listen to but in a range I’m more comfortable with. For example, if I am singing to “We Belong Together” by Mariah Carey, I sing it in a lower pitch (i.e. “male version”) because singing lower notes is very comfortable for me. Also, as a bonus, I don’t go all out and hit all the runs or melismas (the “fancy” stuff the singer does toward the end) when I am warming up so that my voice can ease in. A second warm-up I do is really simple: Create a playlist of songs you love singing to and arrange them from easiest to sing to most difficult to sing. When your voice is all warmed up, start the playlist. Sing along to every song and by the time the difficult songs come up, your voice should be very well warmed up.

But What If I Did All the Warm Ups and My Voice STILL Cracks?

This is perfectly normal, no need to fret. If your voice cracks just keep practicing until your vocal cords get used to singing a certain song or part of a song. Usually, if your voices cracks when singing it’s due to the following:

– Lack of warm-ups

– Lack of control (usually when trying to sustain notes — belting)

– Singing outside our range (notes lower or higher than our vocal range)

– Anxiety or nervousness

– Too much strain

We covered the warm-ups, now it’s time for the others.

Lack Of Control

Lack of control in belting means your voice isn’t able to hold a note. Belting relies heavily on your ability to control your voice and hold the note without it shaking, going flat/sharp, or your voice cracking.

Singing Outside Your Range

We all have unique vocal ranges – some of us can sing only one octave, others up to six octaves. We can train and our vocal ranges can expand, but it takes time. Until then, our voice tends to crack whenever we sing outside our vocal range. If we try hitting a high note or low note that we usually cannot sing comfortably then most likely our voice will crack.


How to crack your voice

This one is simple. When we are nervous or anxious our vocal cords tend to tense up and our control level shoots down, leading to lots of voice cracks when singing.

Too Much Strain

Another simple one. When we are singing and we try too hard, we tend to cause stress and strain on our vocal cords. This one is a bit more dangerous because not only will our voices crack more often but we can cause damage if we are pushing our vocal cords beyond their limit. NEVER force out notes. NEVER force yourself to hit high or low notes. And NEVER force yourself to hold a note.

How Do I Get Help With This?

Now you know what causes cracks, but how do you get help with your voice cracking? Simple, hire me as your tutor and I’ll help strengthen your vocal cords.

About the Author: Emmanuel M. teaches singing and songwriting online, and is a graduate of California State University Fullerton. Learn more about Emmanuel here!

Active3 years, 10 months ago

Every once in a while, I'll have a time when no matter what I do my voice cracks even though I'll be singing like I usually do. What causes this? Am I singing too much? Does my excess mucus problem add onto this? How can I prevent this from happening, or lower the amount of times it happens?


3 Answers

The voice box essentially has two major stable configurations, chest voice and falsetto. One controls pitch by tensing the muscles ending in the vocal folds themselves: that's chest voice. One controls pitch by drawing the vocal folds taut from their ends using some sort of hinge mechanism. As chest voice gets higher, the hinge mechanism gets closer to accidental engaging, like a trap door getting blown open by wind.

The solution is control. This is particularly done by practising your falsetto and extending it downwards, by practising singing across the break (so that your vocal control is able to immediately adapt) and ultimately reaching the skill and strength where this trap door opens in a controlled manner by engaging the falsetto mechanism not as a response to the configuration change of the larynx but in preparation of it, the way you can stealthily close a door with a sticky latch by pushing with one hand and pulling with the other.

Doing this with not more than the required amount of counteracting forces is the key to sustainable singing.


Wheel of fortune free game no download. Your voice can crack because of one of the following reasons:

1) Excessive practice (strains the vocal cords)

Voice Crack Singing Vine

2) Singing from the throat and not from the stomach/abdomen.Damages your vocal cords in the long run.

3) Narrowing down, if you use a fake voice that causes pain in the throat . Can get as worse as producing strains of blood in the mucus.

4) Giving too much strain to the voice (Can be due to shouting/talking)

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Some tips to maintain a good throat (worked for me) :

1) Hot water with honey in the morning

2) 'Tulsi(holy basil)+ ginger' tea

3) Cumin(jeera) seeds in hot water

4) Turmeric powder in milk (if you're lactose tolerant)


Here's the science of voice cracking.

Boy voice crack while singing

You may already know this, but when you hear a tuning note A of 440Hz, your brain is telling you that you only hear that one pitch — 440Hz, when in the reality, if you were to decompose the pitch, you would find that it is actually the following infinite arithmetic series of pitches, overlaid on top of one another, called the overtone series:

440Hz, 880Hz, 1320Hz, 1760Hz, etc.

When you sing (or play on a wind instrument) a note without proper air support, rather than producing the note you wanted to hear, your voice inadvertently overemphasizes one of the higher overtones in the series.

That's why boys' voices crack during puberty; they're not used to controlling their larger vocal cords, and this improper air-flow causes voice cracks.


Voice Crack Singing Meme

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